The Problem
The layout of the app was just a simple feed of events organized chronologically. This limited a lot of potential for new features and made it extremely difficult to find events.
Examples of user feedback:
“Can we get a search bar?”
“I hate that we have to scroll for so long to find things”
“I wish there was an easier way to find the events”
The Solution
Category Tabs
Users wanted a search function but we didn’t want to dedicate resources to develop a complex search functionality since we only have at most 50 events on the app at a time. Instead we focused our energy on implementing a solution that would cut down on event discovery times.
After exploring many possible solutions, we decided that tabs was the best path forward since we’ve already implemented a similar design pattern somewhere else in the app.

Future Proofing
Bottom Nav Bar
Initially, the app was limited in growth due to the lack of navigation options. Implementing a bottom navigation bar was a way for us to future-proof the layout and free up UI space elsewhere.
My Events View
The creation of this view was in preparation for a Favoriting feature. Initially, this view served as a ticket wallet but will grow into a place where users can view pending events that they’ve bid on, event statuses, favorited events, and see events that their friends are attending.
A final validation test showed that these efforts enables users to find the events in a little under half the time. Empirically, we can consider this a success. Following these efforts, there have been less requests for the search function.