Bakery Refresh
Cinnabon - Focus Brands, Inc. - 2016
Art Direction | Design
Update the retail experience without alienating the existing demographic. Cinnabon was also undergoing rebranding efforts and wanted the design of the bakeries to be in line with the new look while highlighting the fact that the cinnamon rolls are baked fresh.
We drew inspiration from artisanal bakeries and utilized elements such as chalk inspired walls and hand crafted hang tags. The custom tile pattern was directly inspired by handmade tiles found in the south of France. This paired with the heavy use of bright teal and limiting the use of the dark brown helped the space feel contemporary, light, and airy.
Graphic Designer - Michael Manisa
Director of Interior Design - Katria Monpiere
New Menu Board Concept
New Tagline Wall Graphic
Custom Tile Pattern
New Packaging