Carvel Coffee and Donuts
Test Promo - Summer 2021
Art Direction / Design / Photo Retouching
Concept Overview
What?! Like you DON’T pair donuts with your cup of coffee?! Like it isn’t the greatest thing since wearing pink on Wednesdays?!
When it comes to new Coffee & Donuts, we’re not just talking any ol’ flavor combo, this is the influencer of flavors, the blue check of sweet swirls, the soft serve that launched a million followers. Coffee & Donuts is taking over our cravings and our feeds as the must-try, must-tell, must-show-off #BestFlavorEver.
Test Donuts & Coffee Ice Cream as a possible LTO for 2022 promotion.
Female 62%, Age: 25-34 (adults with kids). Social/Ads will target Gen Y, Z and millennial moms.
Flavor Explorers/Foodies – interested in unique flavor and Instagrammable content.
This is how we eat donuts now. All the cool kids are doing it like this.
”I saw Regina George have coffee and donuts like this so I started to TOO.”
In-Store Print / POP
Window Poster 22 x 28 in
Dangler 22 x 22 in
Comment Card 4 x 7 in
Ice Cream Scoop Tag 4.4 x 1.1 in